The Emporion in the Ancient Western Mediterranean: Trade and Colonial Encounters from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period (edited with Eric Gailledrat & Rosa Plana-Mallart) (2018). Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (Collection Monde Ancien).
This edited volume, published by the Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, re-examines collectively the concept of the ancient emporion in the light of several decades of vigorous empirical research and theoretical debate, especially in the western Mediterranean, where programs of archaeological research on this theme have been paricularly active in France, Italy, and Spain. The question is set within an international and interdisciplinary framework and the spatial and temporal range of cases explored in the comparative theoretical discussion is intentionally extensive, including ports of trade in colonial West Africa and other kinds of trade enclaves and diasporas in a variety of contexts.
Éric Gailledrat, Michael Dietler & Rosa Plana-Mallart
The Emporion in Context
1 The Emporion and the Ancient Mediterranean
Pierre Rouillard
The Emporion: Some Uses of the Term
Michel Gras
Emporion and Archaic Polis, a Complex Dialectic
Alain Bresson
Flexible Interfaces of the Ancient Mediterranean World
Julien Zurbach
The Emporion and the Earth, or: Hesiod Between Land and sea
2 From the Strait of Gibraltar to the Gulf of Lion
Alfredo Mederos Martín
Phoenician Emporia in the Atlantic Coast of Africa
Fernando González de Canales
The city-Emporion of Huelva (10th–9th Centuries BC)
José Luis López Castro
MQM.Phoenician Emporia in the South of the Iberian Peninsula (9th to 7th Centuries BC)
Jaime Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez
Trading Settlements in Eastern Iberia During the Iron Age: Between Redistributive Engagement and Political Authority
Rosa Plana-Mallart
Emporion and the North-Eastern Coast of the Iberian Peninsula
Éric Gailledrat
Sailors and Landsmen in the Emporia of Southern Gaul
3 Italy and its Margins
Cecilia D’Ercole
The Emporion in the Adriatic.Trade, Trafficking, Cultural Constructions (6th–2nd Century BC)
Giulio Ciampoltrini
Fonteblanda/Portus Telamonis.A “Trading Post” for Wine and Metals on the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Coast in the 6th Century BC
Giovanna Bagnaso Gianni & Lucio Fiorini
Between Tarquinia and Gravisca
Ariana Esposito
Rethinking Pithekoussai.Current Perspectives and Issues
Francesca Spatafora
Phoenicians, Greeks and “Indigenous peoples” in the Emporia of Sicily
Marco Rendeli
Sant’Imbenia and the Topic of the Emporia in Sardinia
4 Comparative Perspectives on the Emporion
Mario Denti
Aegean Migrations and the Indigenous Iron Age Communities on the Ionian Coast of Southern Italy: Sharing and Interaction Phenomena
Peter Van Dommelen
Trading Places? Sites of Mobility and Migration in the Iron Age West Mediterranean
Michael Dietler
Emporia: Spaces of Encounter and Entanglement
Denise Demetriou
Interpreting Cultural Contact: How Greek Inscriptions From Emporion Challenge Roman Texts and Hellenization
Gérard Chouin & Christopher R. DeCorse
Atlantic Intersections: African-European Emporia in Early Modern West Africa